Check-in Day
Our Camp is accessible to all vehicles and a parent or guardian must deliver their child to camp. Please bring ID.
Check-In at Camp
Please do not plan to arrive early, as the staff will be preparing the site for campers.
Gate opens promptly at 1:00 pm and close as 3:00 pm. The program will start one hour after drop-off time. Please bring any medication with you to the check-in table. You and your camper will check in and then visit the health screening area. Luggage should remain in your car during this step.
Staff will direct you to back in and show you where to begin the check in process. Our camp does not have large parking areas. Please be patient as we try to squeeze the cars in.
Check-In Process
- Make sure your camper has their water bottle.
- Check your camper in with camp staff at the designated check-in table.
- Give camper mail to the staff.
- Submit all medications to the Health Supervisor. (Includes emergency medications, prescription and over the counter medications—all medications MUST BE in their original containers.)
- Camp staff will conduct a health screening with camper (feet and head).
- Camper and parent/guardian meet with their counselor and joins the camp group
- Parent says goodbye to camper.
- Parent places camper’s luggage in the designated area.
- Don’t forget to bring your ID!
Late Arrivals If your camper will be arriving late, you will need to contact the camp office prior to arrival.
Check-out Day
On-Site Check-out
The gate opens promptly at 9:00 a.m. for pick-up and closes one hour later for staff to clean and prepare for the next group. Please be on time for pick-up.
Photo ID
Anyone you have authorized to pick up your camper will be asked to present a photo ID and sign your camper out. Every parent wants to see their child as soon as possible, and it is important that your child is picked up by someone you have listed as “authorized.” Please be patient with the sign-out procedure and our staff. This is for your child’s safety.
Luggage Pickup
Please take time to find ALL your camper’s luggage, including a laundry bag, sleeping bag, pillow, stuffed animal, etc. Your camper’s luggage may have expanded since you dropped them off. Check the luggage pile thoroughly. It’s much easier than picking up lost items later.
Meeting Counselors
Feel free to take a few minutes and meet the staff who worked with your camper. They’ll be happy to meet you and discuss your child’s stay.
Late Pickup
Making arrangements for someone to stay with your camper beyond the pickup time at camp is NOT possible. They will be excited to see you and share the camp experience. This is also the beginning of staff meetings and preparation for the next group of campers.
Remember to pick up your campers’ medication from the Health Supervisor.
Early Departures
If your camper will need to leave early for any reason during the week, notify the camp office during check-in. For your camper’s safety, our gate remains closed during sessions; without prior notification, you will not be able to enter the property. You will need to report to the camp office to pick up your camper.