Camp Wamp Staff Member Reference Thank you for serving as a reference for this prospective staff member. Your input is very valuable. Please expect to receive a call from a member of our team to verify this reference within a week. Candidate Contact Information Please include the candidate's contact information so we can correctly associate your recommendation with its intended candidate and candidate's application. Candidate's First Name Candidate's Last Name Candidate's Phone Candidate's Email Referee Contact Information Your Name Your Occupation Day Time Phone Number Evening Phone Number Reference Questionnaire How do you know the candidate? How long have you known the candidate? Please rate the candidate's skills in the following areas: Ability to adapt to a new group or situationVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to be accountable for mistakesVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Willingness to take initiativeVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Emotional MaturityVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Willingness to accept responsibilityVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to communicate openly and effectivelyVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to handle stressVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to start projects and follow throughVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to live and work in a rigorous outdoor settingVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to accept direction/supervisionVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to overcome obstacles and frustrationsVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Cooperation with peersVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Overall sense of judgementVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Understanding of child developmentVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Ability to work with children with physical disabilitiesVery StrongStrongAcceptablePoorVery Poor Please provide us with additional comments to help us understand your selections above. Please describe the candidate's interactions with children. Given what you know about the position, where do you believe the candidate will need the most support in preparing for this position? What else would you like us to know regarding the applicant's ability to live and work in a residential camp setting? Candidate RecommendationI strongly recommend the applicant.I recommend the applicant.I recommend the application with reservations.I do not recommend the applicant for this position. E-Signature To submit and review responses and create a verified E-Signature, please enter today's date and click "Sign Form" below. Enter Date (MM/DD/YYYY) reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. Contact Information