My dream is to inspire kids to achieve what they want out of life.
Why a summer camp for children with physical disabilities?
Stephen J. Wampler’s journey is a testament to determination and resilience. Despite using a wheelchair due to Cerebral Palsy, Stephen’s life story exemplifies how one’s spirit and ambition can transcend physical limitations. His mission is to empower individuals with physical disabilities to lead fulfilling lives by providing them opportunities to experience the transformative power of nature and outdoor activities, embodying the belief that a disability does not define one’s potential or capabilities.


Steve Wampler’s journey began in his youth, attending a wilderness camp designed for kids with disabilities, similar to his own. This experience was transformative, changing his life significantly. Inspired by this, he and his wife, Elizabeth, took the initiative and acted on it. By 2004, they had successfully established the Stephen J. Wampler Foundation and opened Camp Wamp, a summer camp for children with physical disabilities. Their mission was to offer these kids the same kind of eye-opening adventures that had so deeply impacted Steve.
Camp Wamp, focuses on pushing limits within the beauty of nature. Initially, they started on a small scale, leasing a parcel of land in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. However, in 2016, when the lease ended, the Wamplers decided to dream big. Armed with Steve’s detailed vision of the ideal camp, including amenities like a lake and a fully-equipped kitchen, they embarked on a search for a new, permanent site for Camp Wamp.

With gratitude, Steve, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Joseph Wampler. David, Weezie, Rhett & Chelsey, and Caleb Reese
The Reese and Wampler family story begins…
Meeting and Vision
In 2012, at the opening of the Ability 360 Sports and Fitness Center in Phoenix, Arizona, the Reese and Wampler families met. This encounter sparked a shared mission to establish a permanent location for Camp Wamp, a summer camp for children with physical disabilities.
The Search and Acquisition
By 2017, after several attempts, they found the ideal location, previously known as Camp Deer Lake in Soda Springs, California, owned by the Girl Scouts of Northern California. The Reese Family Foundation facilitated the purchase after intense negotiations.
Development and Donation
Over the next five years, the 129-acre property underwent extensive improvements. In spring 2022, the David E. Reese Family Foundation donated the camp to the Stephen J. Wampler Foundation, ensuring its lasting operation as Camp Wamp. This gesture epitomizes the deep bond and commitment of both families to the camp’s cause.
“Failure is not an option”